14 Strong Nutrition LLC

Meet the stronger and more confident version of yourself. Lets fall in love with change

Making your health and fitness Journey personal

You are unique, and so should be your fitness journey. We are here to help you achieve your goals through the most personalized training experience possible. Fitness is more than just workouts - what you do, what you eat, how you feel, how you sleep - everything is equally important. Together, you and I will focus on all aspects of your health and create longevity for you and your busy schedule. Whether you are at home, in the gym, or on the road - We will be part of your fitness journey. We will guide you through tough times, to check your form on video calls, to celebrate your wins, and to be on top of all the last-minute schedule changes because that's life!

14 Strong Lifestyle Transformations!

Transformation before after
Randy's Journey to shredded!
Transformation before after

My Plans

The Fast Track Lifestyle

The Fast Track Lifestyle

This program is designed to kick start your health journey using a simple nutritious diet plan and exercises. Utilize the calorie counter and smart watch capabilities along with having me in your pocket to add workouts and exercises. All while tracking your progress daily and monthly with this state of the art calorie counting component with integrated workouts or add your own! Track your activity now!

Video demonstrations & instructions to perform exercises

Daily workout and nutrition logging in the app

Video chat with me for any questions!

Get "Shredded" 12 week program

Get "Shredded" 12 week program

A gym based program to help you lose weight and body fat while gaining muscle tone and strength and improving fitness levels. Get "shredded" now! Lets change your Nutrition and Fitness Journey for good and take 2 steps forward!

Personalised fitness plan with video demonstrations & instructions to perform

Personalised meal plan & recipes

Regular progress check-ins

Regular updates in plans based on your progress

24/7 chat support

Hundreds of exercises

Wide variety of custom workouts to add to your schedule and track

All Activity and Nutrition will add into your calorie counting component

Link your smart watch to track full daily activity

for first week
One on One Body Transformation

One on One Body Transformation

This is my most comprehensive program available where we work together to help you reach your physique goals in the fastest possible time frame! This membership is exclusive to a limited number of clients where I create a fully personalized program to your lifestyle, resources and preferences. This program is designed to really dig deep into your health and fitness journey. Utilize the calorie counter and smart watch capabilities along with having me in your pocket to add workouts and exercises. All while tracking your progress daily and monthly with this state of the art calorie counting component with integrated workouts or add your own! Track your activity now!

Daily workout and nutrition logging in the app

Video demonstrations & instructions to perform exercises 24/7 chat support

track your nutrition and activity daily

Follow my hundreds of exercises and many workouts. Add them to your schedule!

for first 2 weeks
Fast Track Nutrition Lifestyle

Fast Track Nutrition Lifestyle

This program is designed for me to work with you one on one with all nutrition and tracking. Utilize the calorie counter and smart watch capabilities along with having me in your pocket to access workouts and exercises if you choose or stay on your own routine! All while tracking your progress daily and monthly with this state of the art calorie counting component with integrated workouts or add your own! Track your activity now and work with me! Weekly check ins!

Video demonstrations & instructions to perform exercises if you choose

Daily workout and nutrition logging in the app

Video chat with me for any questions!

Custom nutrition program by me

Weekly checkins and adjustments if need be based on activity

Have me in your pocket to destroy your nutrition goals

for first week
Kim and Amber 14 Week Challenge

Kim and Amber 14 Week Challenge

Discounted 14 week plan for fitness and Nutrition tracking. For We're Hard gym and 14 Strong nutrition 14 Week Challenge.

for 14 Weeks

Nic Wurtsmith and Kim Bass

Nutrition and Fitness Lifestyle Trainer and Transformation coach

How 14 Strong Nutrition came to light My older brother was one of the most influential, genuine and guiding spirits in my life. He was a Huge advocate for health and fitness and stopping at nothing to change perspective and conquer your goals. He taught me daily that there was always a way with intention to put two steps forward. Make your goals come to light with routine and persistence in your every day because you deserve it. His drive to help others understand that it CAN and WILL work was inspiring even when he wasn't trying. Unfortunately Brain cancer took my hero from us roughly 6 years back. Thankfully I myself Was left with his drive and his mission statement. Everything happens for a reason and I am so thankful that I saw a light to show the world his intentions. When it comes to health and fitness, I believe in sustainability above all! Sure, there are great "12-week programs, 1-month challenges, 90-day transformations", but at the end of the day, when you finish that, what's next? Are they helping you sustain that lifestyle with your travel and ever changing busy work schedule? When working with clients, I like to build from the ground up. Instead of handing you a meal plan, I teach you how to utilize your plan. With custom nutrition and training we can adjust on the fly and keep our goals coming. Life doesn't hand every day perfect, but we can still take two steps forward lose fat and build muscle together! Together let's tackle our biggest health and fitness goals and build a sustainable lifestyle!

Nic Wurtsmith and Kim Bass
Nic Wurtsmith and Kim Bass
Nic Wurtsmith and Kim Bass

Complete personalised fitness solution

One-to-one Video Calls

Connect with me over one-to-one video calls to discuss your goals, progress, techniques and more.

Compliance Tracking

Build long term healthy habits with weekly and monthly compliance trends for workouts, nutrition and everything else.

Wearable Integration

Connect your wearable device with the app to track your daily activity levels and workout metrics like heart rate and calories burnt.

Weekly Check-ins

Check-in with weekly photos and measurements to keep track of your progress. Make amends whenever required.

Personalised Workouts

Get frequent tweaks on your workout plan based on your heart rate, feedback and of course, your schedule & preferences.

Customised Nutrition

Get meal plans based on your dietary preferences. I will constantly update your plan to ensure you get to eat what you like while keeping it healthy.

Frequently Asked Questions

No! everything is built custom for you! Built for you to conquer your goals of losing body fat and building muscle. Even with your busy schedule.

Let's create a Lifestyle

Meet the stronger and more confident version of yourself. Crushing goals with any schedule.